Monday 29 March 2010

Entry 4 – The time constraints of studying for CFA®

Over the past week I have almost finished watching the Study Session 16 (Fixed Income Analysis and Valuation) classroom recordings on my iPhone. I haven’t had the most impressive week of CFA study to be honest, which I think nicely highlights the challenges in time management that need to be overcome on a consistent basis in order to pass the exam.

I had squash matches in the evening last week on Monday, Tuesday and Friday (unfortunately) so I diarised Wednesday and Thursday nights to stay at work from 6pm – 8pm.

Wednesday for some reason I felt knackered so naively thought I’d go home and do some question practice on my laptop in front of the TV hoping Spurs would lose. I was wrong on both accounts.

Thursday was meant to be much more fruitful and I planned to stay studying until 8pm. However, I found out earlier that day that I’d been given a large project at work so spent until gone 7pm discussing that. More lost study hours!

The weekend also proved a struggle and I found it difficult to fit my allocated study in around various social items and family commitments. Things started well on Saturday morning but then deteriorated throughout the afternoon – however I did manage to get in 30 minutes before playing squash that evening. This combined with losing an hour from the clocks going forward on Sunday meant that I didn’t spend as much time studying as I had hoped. I think this highlights how difficult it can be sometimes to prioritise and incorporate study into your every day life and re affirms just how committed you have to be to undertake this qualification.

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